This weeks questions are as follows:
1. What is a weird/funny superstition you have?
Hmm this is a tough one for me. I am not really a superstitious person. I am however still weary of the dark. So if my husband is gone I will always sleep with a light on somewhere either in the room or in the hallway. Because you know the boogey man is afraid of light right? ha ha
2. What are your hope and dreams for AFTER the military? After all we aren't in it forever.
My hopes and dreams are that we would settle down in one place somewhere beautiful (near the coast or mountains) and near our kids. I would get to set up my counseling practice or join one and work part time. I would also get to have lots of one on one time with my hubby such as drinking coffee every morning on the front porch together.
3. Since this month is apple month, I'd probably ask what is your yummiest apple recipe?
I love apples and fall. My yummiest apple recipe would either be one for an apple crisp or homemade apple pie. Nothing beats apple crisp or pie with fresh whipped cream. Yum
4. How long have you gone as a military spouse without talking to husband/wife during service?
When my husband was deployed with OIF, maybe a few days to a week. We were very fortunate to be able to communicate regularly. Later he had a cell phone so I could even call him. It was a luxury that I was very thankful for.
5. I occasionally watch When I was 17...on MTV. So what was something significant about your 17th year of life?
My 17th year was a good one. I grew up a lot that year. I decided where I was going to college and got my first job. It was also the year that I began dating my hubby. I would say that was pretty significant. ;)