Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Before

I am currently working on redoing our family room. It is super cozy but has some wood paneling that needs some updating. However, it also has a great fireplace and some pretty neat built ins. Thankfully, I am having some help with this redo. Holly Mathis over at Holly Mathis Interiors is helping me figure out what colors, fabrics, lighting etc...to transform this room from bland to grand.  You should check her out! I think you will love what you find. :) I will keep you posted on the transformation. It is going to take a little while. I have a nursery to furnish too. ;) Here is the before picture of our family room.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Williamsburg Farmer's Market

                                                          Pic taken from this site

Yesterday I went with my sweet friend Angela to the Williamsburg Farmer's Market. It is in downtown colonial Williamsburg and located in Merchant's Square every Saturday. This was my first trip and I have to say I had a blast. One it was great to be with a good friend. Two, how can you go wrong with locally grown produce and fresh baked good and flowers? Three, it's colonial Williamsburg and I just love it there. If you haven't been, downtown Williamsburg is filled with quaint shops and restaurants and just around it are all the historic buildings of Colonial Williamsburg. So beautiful. On Saturday the streets in merchants square were lined up with vendors. I loved being able to buy fresh organic produce that i knew was locally grown. I also purchased a lovely striped pumpkin from the very booth that is pictured above. They had live folk music and lots of people were eating breakfast on the veranda of the Trellis restaurant. I hope to get up there pretty frequently! I had a fresh grown tomato with my salad last night and I have to say I don't want to eat bland grocery store tomatoes anymore. ;)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October and Home Improvement

Well it is only October 2nd and in the last two days we have been busy at work with all things house and yard. Our fireplace guys came yesterday and set up everything for our gas fireplace to work.  I have to say I am loving having fireplace by remote control! Sure beats hauling in the wood and lighting the fire and then cleaning up.  If you are in the hampton roads area and need some help with your gas fireplace try using  Log Doc. They were fabulous.

Today we had the chimney doctors come out. Since the 'monsoon' started last week we noticed that we had some water leaking into our sealed fireplace. Not good, so they came out today. Turns out we had a cracked cap and no cover. Oops, kind of wished that was noticed during the home inspection. Turns out we had a fake chimney as well that was once used for the old furnace. Long story short this wasn't sealed either. Hello...people who put the new furnace in don't you think you should have told the owner that he needed to have that chimney sealed. The man who owned this house prior to us took immaculate care of it and didn't do it in a cheap way. So I know if he would have been told he would have taken care of it.  Oh well, the good news is that we found it and can fix it before any real damage is done. They also gave us a great discount. God blessed us today with a great team of chimney guys at reasonable prices.

J also has big plans for tilling the backyard and laying down grass seed. So hopefully we can have some grass back there soon. I leave you with a pic of our fireplace burning! If you are in the area stop on by and we can drink some hot cocoa and enjoy the fire. :)