Friday, June 14, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Listen

Hydrangea in our yard. My favorite flower.

To know love is to be listened to. To be heard....for someone else to hear the unique heartbeat that is ours. To unleash the words that have built up to the point of overflowing. The words spill and the ears catch all the meaning that is contained in them. There is power in listening. The power to understand the story...the life that is being shared. How many of us just need to spill the words of our story to a listening ear? How many of us need to be the ear?

Today if you were in my house sitting next to me drinking coffee I would spill out the days of being mama and being sick are hard. How all I want to do is go back to bed but lunches need to be made and hearts need tending to. I would tell you how thankful I am for the man who comes in that door every evening. How he comes in and takes over without complaining and how this says love to me. I would tell you about battling my heart and how God is working in mine to create a pure one. There is some ugly in that heart...selfishness...anger yet...there is light and each day I will get up and focus on bringing in more light and letting out the dark. I would tell you about how I struggle with purpose and the desire to act. Lord...what do you want from me... for me?

 After my words have spilled and my story shared... I would want to.. no need to hear your words. Let me hear your story. You see I love to listen always have and always will. In the past some have said I am shy but really I just prefer to listen. So spill is sister...let it all out because I can take it and He can take it. Let me be your ears to catch the words that need to fall...tell me your story...let me hear the heartbeat that is uniquely yours. My door is open and the coffee is ready.

As always it is five minute friday over at the lovely Lisa-Jo's go check it out and if you haven't read her blog post about temper from this week you need to...Love it!

Five Minute Friday


  1. love it Reta! Wish I could grab some coffee with you. Quite lovely and inviting this morning...and I went to bed early last night. Too sleepy after all!

    1. Me too Lori...I wish I could hop on over to that porch of yours and swing with some coffee and be in your world for a while. To see and hear what you see and hear everyday. Yeah this medicine is kicking my tail..hopefully its doing what it supposed to. :)

  2. I can relate about wanting to just spill out words and feelings sometimes. And Reta, I have a big vase full of hydrangeas right in front of me as I type. I love to make arrangements out of them. I also have Magnolias and Gardenias in my home as well.

    Have a blessed day! Thank you for visiting me!

    1. ohh...sounds like your ideal garden and mine might just be the same. Gardenia is my favorite smelling flower and my hubby fawns over Magnolias. Just lovely!

  3. Loved this post. It is so me. I would love to sit down at a table with you and a cup of coffee and some of my homemade bread...and just listen. Stopping by from Five Minute Friday.

    1. Would love to sit down with you too and homemade bread oh we are talking. :) Thanks for listening!

  4. to know love is to be listened to... so true... so beautiful!
