Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Incurable Counselor

In the title of my blog I describe myself as an incurable counselor. Mind you this is not because I am constantly analyzing people and their lives. So no need to worry if you have a conversation with me, I am not breaking down your psyche. I use the term incurable counselor because I love counseling and believe it is part of the pulse beat of my personality.

Counseling like everything has a great side and a not so great side. The great side comes in when you have the chance to walk beside someone as they seek to change for the better, making decisions for positive growth. The not so great side comes in when you are dealing with painful situations where the resolution is either ignored or sabotaged. Overall, though it is a privilege to walk beside someone as they traverse their journey.  Besides, God is the true healer. I am just one conduit of His grace.

I finished my counseling degree in 2008 and set to work in ministry focusing on Children's Ministry and some pastoral counseling. As of June I have transitioned to full-time mommy. I am not sure how counseling, military life, and mommy hood will coincide but I know God has given me this desire and will put me in the place I need be. He always has and always will.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, the life of a military wife, and I suppose with one that young I should still say welcome to motherhood too.
    I chose to comment on this post, rather then the top one because I feel similarly. Listening when someone needs to get something said, and then trying to speak the words that they need to hear from God but perhaps are too upset to hear on their own - in my opinion that is counseling. You can do that still as a mommy. God will give you the opportunities, trust me!
    Blessings, and once again, welcome, Bethany

  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement Bethany! I am already beginning to see twinklings of opportunity rising. Looking forward to finding out what God has in store. :)
