Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

Some of the beautiful presents and I at a recent 5K

As I scan the room I glance at faces...some with soft fine lines and others with the glow of youth. Colors abound in beautiful strands of, black, brown, blond, grey, and white all reflecting shimmering light and telling a tale of these women. Beautiful women each one molded by his handiwork and brought together for such a time as this. They come with their stories...some of wisdom and lessons learned and others of heartbreak and the seeking of strength. Some speak of loved ones each day is hard...sometimes harder than the next and they aren't sure if and how they'll make it. Arms wrap round and speak of love whispered in the name of Jesus and brought forth in cups of coffee and holding babies. Others speak of hope lived out...of His goodness made plain...of great loves and great loss. She speaks of a husband fighting the loss of his light still shines in His eyes and love still lies there but it's hard and we can see it. She carries hope with her and God's strength continues to pour out and we wrap arms around hoping to share a little bit of our strength and hoping to gain just a little bit of her faith.

We marvel at His goodness made plain in each of these their stories, in their hearts, in their words. Each comes and each one is a present waiting to be unwrapped. They are gifts to be treasured and to be known. They are endowed with His spirit and have much to give much to share. I sit and I try to grasp at try and breath in each of their God shaped essences. I want to stay here in this moment among these presents and rest.

 "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works." Psalm 145:3-4

Five Minute Friday


  1. You are blessed for sure, Reta~ thankful God has filled your life with these gifts- quite lovely~

    1. Thanks Lori! :) Looking forward to reading your post today over at incourage.

  2. What a beautiful portrait you paint with these words! What a gift the presence of other women in our lives is. God is so good to wrap us up in community with our sisters and to share His grace with us in the form of the sweet ladies He places in our lives. I love this!

    I popped by from Five Minute Friday, and I'm so glad to meet you!

    1. Thanks Shannon and such a pleasure to meet you too! :)

  3. Even though I've been gone now for almost 1.5 years, I still consider each of you ladies to be friends, dear friends. I'm blessed have known you, and I am better for it thank you.

  4. Sara...we miss you and were so very thankful to have you with us! I count you as a dear friend and am so glad for social media so we can stay in touch. :) Hugs to you friend!
