Friday, May 31, 2013

Five Minute Friday

It's Five Minute Friday over at Lisa Jo-Baker's and if you don't read her blog yet you need to check it out. Love her. So go check it out and link up your own five minute Friday. :)

Five Minute Friday

Today's topic is to write for five minutes on here goes

Imagine…soft, grainy sand sliding between your toes…waves gently rolling onto the shoreline covering your feet and releasing the sand and the stress. With each wave the stress built up between your shoulders eases it's tight grip. The sun has dappled your beach chair and the perspiration from your Mai Tai is refreshing as it drips onto your hand.  To your left is a book waiting to be read and to your right endless quiet in the form of solitude. There is peace and regeneration in this moment of not doing in just being. Imagine…

Sea Glass Beach Cuba

I'll be back Monday with the third part of On Coming Home...Have a great weekend!


  1. AnonymousMay 31, 2013

    Beautiful pictures and a beautiful imagination! I love putting my beach chair just on the edge of the ocean, letting it lap at my feet before retreating. I love the feel of the sand rushing away, the chair sinking deeper into the earth. There is nothing quiet as relaxing as the beach, I think. Loved this!

    1. Thank you! I agree...nothing quite like the beach. Wish I could drop everything and go right now. Thank you for stopping by! :)

  2. Hi Reta
    Yes, we can very easily get lost in our imagination surrounded by the beauty of the nature around you. I don't know where it is, but I wouldn't mind joining you for a Mai Tai lounging in a beach chair.
    Happy FMF

    1. Thanks Mia! Would love to have you join me...I will save you a beach chair and a Mai Tai. These pictures were taken last summer in Cuba. I visited my husband who was on a deployment down there. The water is so beautiful and there are so many beaches it's not hard to find one that you can have just for you. Happy FMF!

  3. There is so much rest & peace in not doing but just being. Thank you for sharing. (visiting from 5MF)

    1. April Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. I could totally imagine myself lounging by that beach.

    1. It is an amazing beach to lounge by! I will save a seat for you. I love the Caribbean...wish I could be there now. Thanks for stopping by! :)
