Okay so as a part of my MOPS group we are reading this great book by Jen Hatmaker called Out of the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load. Jen is quite witty and has a way of gently making some powerful points. One of the topics she covers is how we can look at motherhood. Do we see it as martyrdom or a powerful means of servanthood? I don't know about you but there are times where I miss getting up, dressed, and out to work. I miss the stimulating conversation, the feeling like I am making an impact, and the moments of quiet. I will stop and think about what I am giving up. This is usually when I am very tired, without coffee, and had to watch Mermaid Barbie for the gazillionth time. Not my best moments. Yet, I love my daughter more than anything. I cherish her laughter, hugs, and sweet desire to learn. So it can feel like a catch 22... Perhaps though it is all about my point of view. Perhaps I am coming from it at the wrong angle.
Mark 9:33-35 says this... "When he [Jesus] was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” 34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”
We learn something here about greatness. True greatness doesn't come from status, recognition, or position. Because let's face it in our eyes today we would consider the disciples "great" so to speak because of their proximity to Jesus. They were somebody. Yet, Jesus throws this whole concept out the window. No, He says the way to be first is to be last, the servant of all. True greatness comes from servanthood. When we as mother's take up the task of serving our families we are not martyrs but true kingdom seekers. We have the opportunity to experience what Jesus is talking about here. We can come to it from Jesus' angle.
This is definitely counter-intuitive. Jesus never tells us to do something knowing its going to be easy. If that were the case he wouldn't have to tell us to do it right? Yet, we can do it and He will be there to help us through it with His power. So when we are changing the 100th poopie diaper for the day, washing the 10th load of laundry, making dinner for our family, all while wrangling little crumb snatchers remember this: what your are doing is of the utmost importance not only for your family but for you. Jesus has called us to motherhood at this place in time for a purpose. Part of that purpose is to become more like Him through true servanthood. If we can hold on to this we will better mothers, Jesus followers, and our family will reap the benefits. Because let's face it, I know my daughter and soon to be son would much rather interact with a mommy who is serving out of love rather than martyrdom.
So this is my challenge...when I feel the pull to give up and wonder what if? I need to redirect myself to Jesus' angle. What about you? Do you ever feel like throwing in the mommy towel? How does it make a difference in your view knowing what Jesus' said and has called us to?