Friday, September 24, 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill In #14

 Join us over at Wife of A Sailor

This week’s questions are:
What characteristic about yourself has either been strengthened or weakened due to your 
experience as a Military Spouse? (from The Albrecht Squad)

Hmm....Being a military spouse has definitely strengthened my patience and my faith. It is a challenge but a good one.

What is your favorite vacation spot and why? (from ‘Tis the Life of the Army Wife)

My favorite vacation spot would be the mountains...I love the serenity of being outdoors. However, my favorite vacation would have to be a cruise my hubby and I went on. It is so nice to have everything taken care of and not have to worry about where you will eat etc...
If you could have any fast-food restaurant in the food court on base/post what would you pick? (from The Only Pink in a House of Blue)
 This is a hard one. At times I love chik fil'a but right now I am kind of tired of it. I eat there a lot with my two year old because of the play area. So instead I am going to have to go with Freebirds which is a Texas burrito place much like Moe's Southwest. Freebirds is sooo good. Spinach tortillas filled with all sorts of fresh ingredients. Yumm!

Where did you go on your honeymoon?  (from Pennies from Heaven)

Our honeymoon was three days long and we spent it in Orlando which is where we are from. ;) It was 2001 and J had to report for duty so we needed to squeeze one in quick. We later went on a cruise.
If you could have any job in the world regardless of money, degree or experience, which job would you have and why? (from Proud to Be a Navy Family and The Calm Before The Storm)
If I could have any job it would either be a boutique owner, interior designer, or something else fun and creative. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Lucky One

One of the things I really miss about our church back in Dallas (Fellowship Bible Church) is the music. We had such awesome musicians who had a heart to worship the Lord. One of those talented musicians was Helene Cronin...I have one of her cds and I love it.  Recently she has posted one of her songs on you tube. It talks about the result of a conversation she had with a soldier passing through the airport. I just love this song and I think you will too! P.S. Bring the tissues, you are going to need it. Here is the link...

Lucky Me by Helene Cronin

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of School

Today Mimi started her first day of preschool in the 2s class. She looked so cute this morning. She even wore her backpack and carried her lunch box all the way to the classroom. When I came to pick her up the first thing she did was show me her hand stamp that she received for doing a good job. Needless to say I think she had a great time. She fell asleep on the way home too, yay! I brought her inside and changed her diaper so she could sleep peacefully. Note to self don't do that again. It woke her up and then she didn't want to sleep. So for the last fifteen minutes she has been talking to herself in bed. Oh wait...she may have finally fallen asleep. Whew! Thursday I will change her before we leave the school so if she falls asleep all I have to do is put her in her bed.  I leave you with our first day of school pic we took this morning on our way out the door.

Friday, September 10, 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill In #2

Please Join us over at Wife of a Sailor

It is that time again. It is Friday and time for some MilSpouse fill in. So here goes.... :)

1. Do you set goals for yourself during deployment?  What are some of them? (from Military Mommy)
 Yes, last time Jeremy was deployed I really focused on exercising and losing a few pounds. I accomplished those goals and was the fittest I have ever been. Now I just need to do it again. Maybe once baby # 2 is here I will get back on that road.

2. What would you say to someone dating a military guy or gal? (from Mothering Off the Cuff)

I guess I would say know what you want and be flexible. If you love this person then its worth it but you have to be able to stand on your own. Be good about developing your own identity and interests. When they leave you will miss them desperately but if you have developed you outside of your spouse it won't seem like your whole world is coming apart.

3. If you have children, how do you prepare them to move to a new place? (from The Random Ramblings of A Household 6)
Well we just moved but Mimi is only 2 so it wasn't really hard this time. When she is older I am thinking we will prepare by talking about it, perhaps reading some books about it, and talking about all the fun things to do where we are going next.
4. Name one hobby that gets you through alone time. (from My Sailor’s Mistress)
Okay, I am going with Fellowship....I love being with other women so this is one of my hobby's if you can call it that, whether it is talking on the phone, sharing coffee, or a play date these are the times that get me through the week :)

5. What’s the one food you don’t ever get tired of? (from That Army Wife Life) of late I would have to say guacamole and any type of mexican food. Oh how I miss brisket tacos...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Recap

This past weekend was so much fun. J had Thursday through Monday off with the exception of a wedding on Saturday and of course chapel on Sunday, so we were able to get a lot of time in as a family. We were also able to enjoy some time with some great friends. Friday night we went on a dinner cruise called the Spirit of Norfolk. The food was pretty good and it was nice just being on the water. We were able to enjoy some uninterrupted adult conversation.

On Monday actual labor day we all gathered again to go to the beach. It was such a beautiful day here. The sun was out and it had to have been around 84 degrees. The kids had so much fun. Mimi loved playing with Abby and Isaac. All around it was a great day. I've got the pictures to prove it. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's Back!

We started labor day off early this morning. My husband had to make a hand off with the duty phone by eight thirty so we decided we would all go with him so we could do some shopping afterwords for grilling festivities. I needed coffee though so I made a request to stop at the ye ol'starbucks and to my delight the fall favorites are here! I love pumpkin spice lattes. I am also in love with peppermint mochas and the ocassional eggnog latte too. For much of the year I can tame the starbucks drive through routine but during the fall and winter my car is on autopilot and somehow just ends up there. ;) The rest of the day was great. We spent it at the beach with friends and ended with a cookout. I will try and post pics soon.

Friday, September 3, 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill In

Join us over at Wife of a Sailor

This weeks questions are as follows:

1. What is a weird/funny superstition you have?

Hmm this is a tough one for me. I am not really a superstitious person. I am however still weary of the dark. So if my husband is gone I will always sleep with a light on somewhere either in the room or in the hallway. Because you know the boogey man is afraid of light right? ha ha

2. What are your hope and dreams for AFTER the military? After all we aren't in it forever. 

My hopes and dreams are that we would settle down in one place somewhere beautiful (near the coast or mountains) and near our kids. I would get to set up my counseling practice or join one and work part time.  I would also get to have lots of one on one time with my hubby such as drinking coffee every morning on the front porch together.

3. Since this month is apple month, I'd probably ask what is your yummiest apple recipe?

I love apples and fall. My yummiest apple recipe would either be one for an apple crisp or homemade apple pie. Nothing beats apple crisp or pie with fresh whipped cream. Yum

4. How long have you gone as a military spouse without talking to husband/wife during service? 

When my husband was deployed with OIF, maybe a few days to a week. We were very fortunate to be able to communicate regularly. Later he had a cell phone so I could even call him. It was a luxury that I was very thankful for.

5. I occasionally watch When I was 17...on MTV. So what was something significant about your 17th year of life?

My 17th year was a good one. I grew up a lot that year. I decided where I was going to college and got my first job. It was also the year that I began dating my hubby. I would say that was pretty significant. ;)